Friday, August 23, 2013

Prison program aims to keep inmates from returning

Check out Nu Iota Sigma brother Willie Parks Jr. as he is interviewed for this story on Fox 13 News

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Nu Iota Sigma at the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington


Friday, August 23, 2013, 4:00 PM 
2168 Rayburn House Office Building, Gold Room
45 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC  20515

Friday August 23, 2013, 7:00pm
Lecture given by brother Dr. Andre E. Johnson of the Nu Iota Sigma Chapter
African American Civil War Museum
1925 Vermont NW, Washington DC 20001

Saturday, August 24, 2013, 7:45 AM
CIVIL RIGHTS BREAKFAST "Breakfast & Conversations"
The Club @ Boling Air Force Base, 50 Theisen Street, NW, Washington, DC 20032
Tickets: $50 per person

Saturday, August 24, 2013, 10:00 AM 
Lincoln Memorial, 2 Lincoln Memorial Circle, NW, Washington, DC 20037

145 Kennedy Street, NW, Washington, DC 20011 

Blue & White Family, friends and supporters are welcomed to visit the International Headquarters and meet and greet the international leadership of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. The Sigma Exchange will open! You can buy your history book! Etch your name on the Centennial Monument! Register for the 2014 Centennial Celebration!

Brother Johnson to Give Lecture at the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington

The president of the Nu Iota Sigma chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated president Dr. Andre E. Johnson will give a lecture on August 23, 2013 at 7:00pm as part of the 50th year March on Washington celebration at the African American Civil War Museum located at 1925 Vermont Ave. NW in Washington DC. The lecture, "Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and Reflections on the 50th year Anniversary of the March on Washington," will examine Turner's 1913 reflection of the Emancipation Proclamation and point towards the March on Washington that would happen 50 years later. After the lecture, Dr. Johnson will sign copies of his book, The Forgotten Prophet: Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and the African American Prophetic Tradition.  The event is free and open to the public. 

The Forgotten Prophet: Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and the African American Prophetic Tradition

The book is a study of the prophetic rhetoric of 19th century African Methodist Episcopal Church bishop Henry McNeal Turner. By locating Turner within the African American prophetic tradition, Johnson examines how Bishop Turner adopted a prophetic persona. As one of America’s earliest black activists and social reformers, Bishop Turner made an indelible mark in American history and left behind an enduring social influence through his speeches, writings, and prophetic addresses. This text offers a definition of prophetic rhetoric and examines the existing genres of prophetic discourse, suggesting that there are other types of prophetic rhetorics, especially within the African American prophetic tradition. In examining these modes of discourses from 1866-1895, this study further examines how Turner’s rhetoric shifted over time. It examines how Turner found a voice to article not only his views and positions, but also in the prophetic tradition, the views of people he claimed to represent. The Forgotten Prophet is a significant contribution to the study of Bishop Turner and the African American prophetic tradition.

Reviews for The Forgotten Prophet: 

Andre Johnson’s study of the speeches of Henry McNeal Turner, from his optimistic Emancipation Day Address in 1866, to sober reflections on the fiftieth anniversary of the proclamation in 1913, is an important step in recovering the story of African-Americans in the South during Reconstruction. Framing Turner’s powerful words as examples of prophetic rhetoric, Johnson shows how even Turner’s most pessimistic comments spoke to a wide audience eager for freedom yet demoralized by prejudice, discrimination, and violence. Although Turner’s answer to the nation’s racism—emigration—did not become a major movement in his lifetime, Johnson’s study of Turner’s prophetic voice enlarges our understanding of this neglected, but important figure in American history.-Sandra J. Sarkela, University of Memphis 

Professor Johnson not only offers a new perspective on Reverend Turner by focusing on the rhetorical dimensions of words, but also suggests new and more precise ways for scholars to study the “prophetic” in the United States. Professor Johnson should be congratulated for offering the first and most nuance study of African American prophetic rhetoric of any black leader.-Edward J. Blum, Co-Author of The Color of Christ: The Son of God and the Saga of Race in America 

The critical lens that Dr. Johnson employs—of seeing Turner’s work as an evolution through prophetic stages, not only helps the reader understand Turner’s discourse but significantly enhances our understanding the different prophetic voices available to rhetors-Richard Leeman, author of The Teleological Discourse of Barack Obama

Click here to buy your signed copy. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Something Special Going On In Sigma

Greetings Brothers in Sigma!

I trust that all is well with you and yours.  First, let me say thank you to those of you that tuned in to my first international conference call this week.  It is my hope and prayer that you are as excited about Sigma as I am.  We have so much to celebrate as we enter our second century of Brotherhood, Scholarship and Service!  In case you missed the call, a recording is available HERE

Let me provide you with a brief recap.  YOU need to be a part of these initiatives!

1. Thunder Back!  The 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington -  Please click the banner to reserve your seat on buses coming from your area.  These buses are FREE OF CHARGE.  They will arrive in Washington between 4:00am and5:00am on August 24th.  You will not need a hotel room.  We will provide a place for you to freshen up before the breakfast.  While we are committed to bringing 350 or more by bus, we want 2000 Men of Sigma on the Mall in Washington.  Let's make this happen.  Reserve your seat today! 


2. Centennial - The finalized schedule for the Centennial will be released shortly.  We are excited to announce that we will host a gospel concert, two secular concerts, a collegiate summit, a Legends Roundtable, the A. Phillip Randolph March and PLENTY of parties!  It's time to celebrate!  Register now by going toPBS100.ORG!  4000 registered attendees is our goal.  Will YOU be in the number come July 2014?

3.  Monument on the Campus of Howard University - On January 9th, 2014, we will unveil a monument on the campus where Phi Beta Sigma was born.  You have a chance to Etch Your Name in History. Your chapter needs to be represented on this monument.  Sponsor Brothers that have joined the Omega Chapter.  Place your name on this monument.  The investment is $100 for individual names and $200 for chapters.  The deadline is October 31st.  Print this out and get it to all of your Brothers NOW.  Let's make sure all of our senior Brothers are informed.  You can donate through our ONLINE PORTAL or send a check listing 'Monument' in the subject line.


4.  March On, March On, Ye Mighty Host! - Your History book is on sale NOW!  Do you have your copy?  CLICK HERE to see your options for purchase.  Limited edition copies are available with signatures of all living presidents.  Every Sigma needs to purchase this book!


5. Sigma Cares for its Own - Our International Chaplain, the Rev. Dr. Christopher V. Brown, is leading the charge to let EVERY Sigma know that they are loved.  Soon you will see a 'Chaplain's Corner' on our website.  There, we will share words of inspiration and prayer requests.  Lost a loved one?  Let the Chaplain know.  A Sigma Brother transitions to the Omega Chapter?  Let the Chaplain know.  A member of the Sigma family is in the hospital?  Let the Chaplain know.  We want to reach out to and visit our Brothers in their hour of need.  The Chaplain Team will also raise scholarship funds to help Sigma Brothers stay in school.  Sigma truly cares for its own! You can contact our chaplain

Brothers, there is so much going on!  I am unable to capture it all in this brief note.  Look for email blasts to come out about our Slogan Contest, the Crescent, Sigma Cares for its Own, our Centennial Membership Plan, the October General Board meeting and much more.  I encourage you to join with us as we MOVE Sigma!

There is something special going on in Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity!

Jonathan A. Mason, Sr.
34th International President

Monday, July 29, 2013

Get Active for the Centennial, 2014!

Call the brothers of Nu Iota Sigma at (731) 215-0452 to get active over the phone. 

A Letter from the Honorable Johnathan A. Mason

Now is the time to make preparations for our “Centennial Celebration — One Century of Service,” to be held, July 16-20, 2014, at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC.  As we celebrate one century of continuous service within our communities, we march on toward the next century of exceptional service embracing our motto, “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity.”  This celebration marks our rededication to our principles of “Brotherhood, Scholarship and Service.”  We are also very excited that our sisters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., under the leadership of Grand Basileus Mary Wright, will be with us for our Centennial Celebration.
Join us in honoring our founders and those who traveled this road before us.  Honor their service and undying dedication to the ideals upon which our beloved fraternity, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., was founded.  Honor their legacy with a new century of service unforeseen by others.
It is fitting that Washington, DC should be the place of this Celebration, because here we were founded on the campus of Howard University and we shall honor our founders. Washington is also the home of our great fraternity!  It is here, as well, that we remember our brothers who have led their communities in service to our nation.  Join the Celebration at Howard University, our Sigma Museum, the resting place of our Founder, and the Unity March.
On behalf of our General Board, Headquarters Staff and the Centennial Project Team we greet you and your guests with a warm Sigma welcome to our “One Century of Service”!  So mark your calendars now to be among the great host of celebrants who will help us honor our first Century of Service.
See you in DC for our Centennial Celebration!
Honorable Brother Jonathan A. Mason
International President
Call the brothers of Nu Iota Sigma at (731) 215-0452 to get active over the phone. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Honorable Brother Jimmy Hammock, 33rd International President FAREWELL MESSAGE

Greetings to my Brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

It is with great pleasure that I greet you as the 33rd International President and the Immediate Past President of this great Brotherhood.

When you elected me to serve as your President in 2009, I was honored by your faith in me to lead this brotherhood. I did not take that charge lightly. My priority was to be the best reflection of my campaign slogan, turned administration theme, "Changing Lives through Service." This was and is my life's mantra, and as your leader I made a commitment to give you the very best that I have in service.

The past four years have been an amazing journey in my life. The twists and turns have been plentiful, with peaks, valleys, curves and detours. But through all of the unexpected pathways, I've kept the faith in a God who never gives us more than we can bare.  Many people were placed in my path to offer constructive criticism, sound advice and moral support. For that, I'm truly grateful.

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity made great strides since 2009. We advanced several causes simultaneously, while battling the pressures of an ever-changing society. The increase in our fundraising efforts for the March of Dimes, our record-breaking participation in the inaugural Serious Sigma Summit, induction of some of our nation's most celebrated leaders, launch of an ongoing fight against the culture hazing, and building of a vocational school in Ghana - all have caused me to stand a little taller as a proud Sigma Man.

How can I ever forget this experience of a lifetime? The memories are forever imbedded in my conscious, displayed in my home and lodged in my heart.  I've joined a unique group of men -- 32 servant leaders that have had the distinct duty of cradling the lifeline of an historical institution. I humbly take my seat amongst the revered circle of men.

I extend a sincere appreciation to members of the General Board, International Executive Director and headquarters staff for the collaborative work in championing the programs and initiatives of Phi Beta Sigma.

As we prepare to "TRANSFORM Phi Beta Sigma" by coming together as one brotherhood transforming our communities, I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and do the work that is required. For what you do speaks volumes to who you are.

Thank you for the faith. Thank you for the commitment. And thank you for allowing me to serve you.

The Honorable Brother Jimmy Hammock

Justice for Trayvon Martin


International President Jonathan A. Mason, Sr. and the General Board of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. is calling on the entire membership to come together in light of the "Not Guilty" verdict in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African American male, by George Zimmerman.

Today Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity launched an on-line petition to gather 10,000 signatures byAugust 1, 2013.  Brother Mason continues to stress this is personal for him as President of this predominately African American Brotherhood and as a father of two sons.  However, if we are to gather 10,000 signatures, Phi Beta Sigma nationwide must be engaged. Forward this email to everyone you know and encourage them to sign our petition powered by Change.Org.

Dr. Ivory W. Lyles, Director of Social Action for Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. says, "It's time for Action."  He challenges the brotherhood that this is one positive way to make your voice heard.  First, you need to sign the petition.  Second, solicit your family and friends to sign.  We can surely reach our goal of 10,000 signatures!

President Mason reminds us that this verdict has national implications for all black men.  We cannot stand on the sideline -- it is time for action!  There are waves of racial tensions as a result of the verdict, so let's release our collective tensions by working together as brothers to achieve 10,000 signatures.

"I am committed to working with the General Board and the Director of Social Action to informthe Justice Department of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity's advocacy on behalf of Trayvon Martin'sfamily," stated President Mason.  Every chapter must set a goal for the number of signatures to obtain.  Let's go to work moving Sigma! Standing for the Right!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

From the Conclave

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated is convening its National Conclave in Philadelphia  July 9-14, 2013. The theme of the Conclave  is “POWER UP! Marching Towards the Jubilee.” The Conclave serves as our launching pad for our great Centennial Celebration in 2014. Nu Iota Sigma is in full effect. Check out the photos below

33rd International President Jimmy Hammock

Brothers from the Southwestern Region

Brother Dr. Andre Johnson and Kappa Omicron Brother Demetrius  Wilkins

Monday, May 6, 2013

An Evening Under the Eiffel Tower

The brothers of Nu Iota Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Incorporated had their Scholarship Ball on Saturday evening at 7:00pm in Jackson, Tennessee. We would also like to thank the sisters of Zeta Phi Beta for all of their support!! For more pictures from the event, click here
Add caption
From L-R: Brothers Anthony Hamilton, Clint Higgs, Willie Parks, Dennis Stewart 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Congratulations Brothers and Sisters

The brothers of the Nu Iota Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated congratulate all of our Brothers and Sisters of the lovely Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated  on being a part of the graduation class of 2013. May you be blessed going out and coming in!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Sigma Scholarship Ball-May 4th

The Nu Iota Sigma Chapter


Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.


An Evening Under The Eiffel Tower

What: Sigma Scholarship Ball

When: Saturday, May 4, 2013

Time: 7:00 P.M.

Where: The Econo Lodge Inn and Suites

        1963 US 45 Bypass

       Jackson, TN 38305


Attire: Semi-Formal

Tickets: $25.00 per person
To order tickets click here

 *Proceeds to support the Nu Iota Sigma Scholarship Fund*

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Condolences to Our Former Executive Director: Marco McMillian

Marco W. McMillian 
Washington, D.C. - It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Brother Marco W. McMillian, Immediate Past International Executive Director of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated.
On Tuesday, February 26th, members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity were informed that our beloved Bro. McMillian was reported missing. His car was identified at the scene of a major accident at the Tallahatchie-Coahoma county line in the state of Mississippi. As the news media has previously reported, Bro. McMillian has been running for the position of Mayor in his hometown of Clarksdale, Mississippi.
Today, we have received the official word from the State of Mississippi that the body of our dear Brother has been recovered and identified by authorities in Coahoma County and by his family. It is an extremely sad day for those who knew and loved Bro. McMillian.
Memorial arrangements are still pending. We request that, due to the very sensitive nature of this situation and the ongoing law enforcement investigation, NPHC leaders and members worldwide limit public expressions (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Many of us are in shock and grief over this situation—you can best help his family and community by limiting the sharing of any information about the circumstances.
“Bro. McMillian made an incredible difference in his community and in Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity through his involvement during his brief time on earth,” shares the Hon. Jimmy Hammock, International President of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. “He was our youngest and only the fifth Brother to serve in the capacity of Executive Director of the Fraternity (2007 – 2011).”
Bro. Marco McMillian was responsible for securing the first federal contract to raise the awareness of the adverse impact of HIV/AIDS on communities of color for the Fraternity. Additionally, he garnered new partnerships with organizations including City Year, Nationwide Insurance, the United States Marine Corps, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as the National Council of Negro Women. In 2004, Ebony Magazine recognized Bro. McMillian as one the nation’s “30 up-and- coming African-American leaders less than 30 years old”.
His service to the Fraternity will always be remembered. We pray for peace and abound in these circumstances, knowing that God will comfort all who have been affected by his sudden departure from our midst.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Free Tax Workshop: A Success

With the tax season in full swing, the brothers of the Nu Iota Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated along with Two Sister Tax Service from Somerville, Tennessee hosted a Free Tax Workshop on Tuesday February 12 at 7:00pm. We held the workshop at The Greater Springfield MB Church located at 407 South Madison St. in Bolivar, Tennessee.  Several people of the community brought many tax questions and got the answers that you need. 

From L-R: Brother Willie Parks, Angela Higgs from Two Sisters Tax Service, and  Brother Clint Higgs

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Brothers of Nu Iota Sigma Host a Free Tax Workshop

With the tax season in full swing, the brothers of the Nu Iota Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated along with Two Sister Tax Service from Somerville, Tennessee will host a Free Tax Workshop Tuesday February 12 at 7:00pm. We will host the workshop at The Greater Springfield MB Church located at 407 South Madison St. in Bolivar, Tennessee.  Bring all of your tax questions and get the answers that you need. Call 731-215-0452 for more information.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Nu Iota Sigma Hold Scholarship Fundraiser

The brothers of Nu Iota Sigma invites you to their annual Scholarship Dinner and Dance fundraiser. We will hold the event on Saturday evening May 4, 2013 at 7:00pm at the Econo Lodge Hotel and Suites located 1963 US 45 Bypass Jackson, Tennessee. Tickets are only $25 and the money raised will provide scholarships to students in the West Tennessee area. For more information, call 731-215-0452.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Nu Iota Sigma Initiates Clean Up Day

Anthony "Big House" Hamilton
The brothers of Nu Iota Sigma held a Sigma Clean Up Day by raking leaves for community residents. The day was lead by brother Anthony "Big House" Hamilton and the brothers of the Kappa Omicron chapter at the University of Tennessee at Martin. It was a great day of graduate/undergraduate partnership.

Founders Day

From L-R: Brothers Mahlon Barnes, Willie Parks Jr., Clint Higgs, and Dr. Andre Johnson
The Ladies of Zeta Phi Beta
The Brothers of Nu Iota Sigma celebrated a joint Founders Day with the lovely ladies of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated on January 13, 2013. Needless to say, the evening was a total success!

MLK Day of Service

Brother Mahlon Barnes
The brothers of Nu Iota Sigma joined the lovely ladies of Chi Lambda Zeta of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated at Gifts of Life Ministries to participate in MLK Day Of Service. Both the brothers and sisters helped serve over 50 people who came for a meal and fellowship.

Sigmas and Zetas Together
Brotherly and Sisterly Love

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Phi Beta Sigma celebrates the life of Lillian Miles Lewis, wife of Bro. John Lewis

Lillian Miles Lewis, wife of U.S. Representative John Lewis, died Monday, December 31, 2012 at Emory University. She was 73.

“We are saddened by the loss of our dear brother’s beloved wife,” shares Hon. Jimmy Hammock, International President. “The brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity unite in prayer, extending our deepest condolences in this moment of bereavement. Lillian was an avid and dedicated supporter of this great organization and the service Brother Lewis rendered on our behalf.”
Mrs. Lewis’ funeral services will be held on Monday, January 7th at the Ebenezer Baptist Church on Auburn Avenue in Atlanta, Georgia.

Close friend Xernona Clayton, the Conclave Atlanta Distinguished Women Award Recipient, said Mrs. Lewis had been ill for an extended period of time but encouraged her husband to continue with his career. “She’d kind of get on him about telling people she was sick,” Clayton said. “She didn’t want that to be the focus. She wanted him to do his work.”

President Barack Obama called Brother Lewis on Monday and expressed his condolences, the White House said.

She attended Los Angeles High School and received an undergraduate degree in English from then-California State College at Los Angeles, and a master’s degree in Library Science at the University of Southern California. Mrs. Lewis developed a lifelong interest in Africa when she taught in a student program in Nigeria in 1960, returning later as a Peace Corps volunteer to teach for two years in Yaba, Nigeria.

Lillian Miles met her future husband when he was already a civil rights legend, and she played a key role in his transition to a career in politics. It was after taking a job as a librarian at Atlanta University that she met her husband at a 1967 New Year’s Eve party at the home of Clayton, a television personality and civil rights activist. Clayton and another movement veteran, Dr. Bernard LaFayette, played matchmaker. The Lewis were married in 1968. In his memoir, “Walking With the Wind,” Brother Lewis recalls his wife helped him decide to run for Congress in 1977 – a race he lost to Wyche Fowler – and became his chief advisor. “She had always been very involved in politics, much more than I. She had been a delegate (supporting Shirley Chisolm) to the Democratic National Convention in 1972, and she was constantly active in a variety of local circles and organizations. She was outgoing, involved, intelligent and great in front of an audience – she could make a speech. She also knew how to organize, how to chair a meeting, the nitty-gritty stuff. When she finally said, ‘Let’s do it. Let’s go for it,’ that was enough. We were in,” Lewis wrote.

While Lewis forged his political career, Lillian continued her career as an educator with an international perspective. She was associate director of the Institute for International Affairs and Development at Atlanta University from 1984 to 1989, a job that called on her to help develop a major in international studies, with an emphasis in Africa and the Carribean. In a 1984 Atlanta Journal-Constitution story, she called the assignment “the moment I’ve been waiting for.” From 1989 to 2003, she was director of external affairs in the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at Clark Atlanta University.
Mrs. Lewis is survived by Brother Lewis and her son, John-Miles Lewis.