Call the brothers of Nu Iota Sigma at (731) 215-0452 to get active over the phone.
A Letter from the Honorable Johnathan A. Mason
Now is the time to make preparations for our “Centennial Celebration — One Century of Service,” to be held, July 16-20, 2014, at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC. As we celebrate one century of continuous service within our communities, we march on toward the next century of exceptional service embracing our motto, “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity.” This celebration marks our rededication to our principles of “Brotherhood, Scholarship and Service.” We are also very excited that our sisters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., under the leadership of Grand Basileus Mary Wright, will be with us for our Centennial Celebration.
Join us in honoring our founders and those who traveled this road before us. Honor their service and undying dedication to the ideals upon which our beloved fraternity, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., was founded. Honor their legacy with a new century of service unforeseen by others.
It is fitting that Washington, DC should be the place of this Celebration, because here we were founded on the campus of Howard University and we shall honor our founders. Washington is also the home of our great fraternity! It is here, as well, that we remember our brothers who have led their communities in service to our nation. Join the Celebration at Howard University, our Sigma Museum, the resting place of our Founder, and the Unity March.
On behalf of our General Board, Headquarters Staff and the Centennial Project Team we greet you and your guests with a warm Sigma welcome to our “One Century of Service”! So mark your calendars now to be among the great host of celebrants who will help us honor our first Century of Service.
See you in DC for our Centennial Celebration!
Honorable Brother Jonathan A. Mason
International President
Call the brothers of Nu Iota Sigma at (731) 215-0452 to get active over the phone.