Monday, July 29, 2013

Get Active for the Centennial, 2014!

Call the brothers of Nu Iota Sigma at (731) 215-0452 to get active over the phone. 

A Letter from the Honorable Johnathan A. Mason

Now is the time to make preparations for our “Centennial Celebration — One Century of Service,” to be held, July 16-20, 2014, at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC.  As we celebrate one century of continuous service within our communities, we march on toward the next century of exceptional service embracing our motto, “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity.”  This celebration marks our rededication to our principles of “Brotherhood, Scholarship and Service.”  We are also very excited that our sisters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., under the leadership of Grand Basileus Mary Wright, will be with us for our Centennial Celebration.
Join us in honoring our founders and those who traveled this road before us.  Honor their service and undying dedication to the ideals upon which our beloved fraternity, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., was founded.  Honor their legacy with a new century of service unforeseen by others.
It is fitting that Washington, DC should be the place of this Celebration, because here we were founded on the campus of Howard University and we shall honor our founders. Washington is also the home of our great fraternity!  It is here, as well, that we remember our brothers who have led their communities in service to our nation.  Join the Celebration at Howard University, our Sigma Museum, the resting place of our Founder, and the Unity March.
On behalf of our General Board, Headquarters Staff and the Centennial Project Team we greet you and your guests with a warm Sigma welcome to our “One Century of Service”!  So mark your calendars now to be among the great host of celebrants who will help us honor our first Century of Service.
See you in DC for our Centennial Celebration!
Honorable Brother Jonathan A. Mason
International President
Call the brothers of Nu Iota Sigma at (731) 215-0452 to get active over the phone. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Honorable Brother Jimmy Hammock, 33rd International President FAREWELL MESSAGE

Greetings to my Brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

It is with great pleasure that I greet you as the 33rd International President and the Immediate Past President of this great Brotherhood.

When you elected me to serve as your President in 2009, I was honored by your faith in me to lead this brotherhood. I did not take that charge lightly. My priority was to be the best reflection of my campaign slogan, turned administration theme, "Changing Lives through Service." This was and is my life's mantra, and as your leader I made a commitment to give you the very best that I have in service.

The past four years have been an amazing journey in my life. The twists and turns have been plentiful, with peaks, valleys, curves and detours. But through all of the unexpected pathways, I've kept the faith in a God who never gives us more than we can bare.  Many people were placed in my path to offer constructive criticism, sound advice and moral support. For that, I'm truly grateful.

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity made great strides since 2009. We advanced several causes simultaneously, while battling the pressures of an ever-changing society. The increase in our fundraising efforts for the March of Dimes, our record-breaking participation in the inaugural Serious Sigma Summit, induction of some of our nation's most celebrated leaders, launch of an ongoing fight against the culture hazing, and building of a vocational school in Ghana - all have caused me to stand a little taller as a proud Sigma Man.

How can I ever forget this experience of a lifetime? The memories are forever imbedded in my conscious, displayed in my home and lodged in my heart.  I've joined a unique group of men -- 32 servant leaders that have had the distinct duty of cradling the lifeline of an historical institution. I humbly take my seat amongst the revered circle of men.

I extend a sincere appreciation to members of the General Board, International Executive Director and headquarters staff for the collaborative work in championing the programs and initiatives of Phi Beta Sigma.

As we prepare to "TRANSFORM Phi Beta Sigma" by coming together as one brotherhood transforming our communities, I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and do the work that is required. For what you do speaks volumes to who you are.

Thank you for the faith. Thank you for the commitment. And thank you for allowing me to serve you.

The Honorable Brother Jimmy Hammock

Justice for Trayvon Martin


International President Jonathan A. Mason, Sr. and the General Board of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. is calling on the entire membership to come together in light of the "Not Guilty" verdict in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African American male, by George Zimmerman.

Today Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity launched an on-line petition to gather 10,000 signatures byAugust 1, 2013.  Brother Mason continues to stress this is personal for him as President of this predominately African American Brotherhood and as a father of two sons.  However, if we are to gather 10,000 signatures, Phi Beta Sigma nationwide must be engaged. Forward this email to everyone you know and encourage them to sign our petition powered by Change.Org.

Dr. Ivory W. Lyles, Director of Social Action for Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. says, "It's time for Action."  He challenges the brotherhood that this is one positive way to make your voice heard.  First, you need to sign the petition.  Second, solicit your family and friends to sign.  We can surely reach our goal of 10,000 signatures!

President Mason reminds us that this verdict has national implications for all black men.  We cannot stand on the sideline -- it is time for action!  There are waves of racial tensions as a result of the verdict, so let's release our collective tensions by working together as brothers to achieve 10,000 signatures.

"I am committed to working with the General Board and the Director of Social Action to informthe Justice Department of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity's advocacy on behalf of Trayvon Martin'sfamily," stated President Mason.  Every chapter must set a goal for the number of signatures to obtain.  Let's go to work moving Sigma! Standing for the Right!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

From the Conclave

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated is convening its National Conclave in Philadelphia  July 9-14, 2013. The theme of the Conclave  is “POWER UP! Marching Towards the Jubilee.” The Conclave serves as our launching pad for our great Centennial Celebration in 2014. Nu Iota Sigma is in full effect. Check out the photos below

33rd International President Jimmy Hammock

Brothers from the Southwestern Region

Brother Dr. Andre Johnson and Kappa Omicron Brother Demetrius  Wilkins