Wednesday, June 13, 2012



WASHINGTON, D.C. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity is presenting the Collegiate Advisor University (CAU) 
which will serve as the fraternity’s official training and certification process 
for all alumni members who have a desire and/or are appointed to serve as collegiate chapter advisors.
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity has developed a comprehensive and functional training process 
that will assure our collegiate chapters are receiving quality, timely and appropriate direction and advising. 
The course curriculum was created with the goal of launching the participant’s success story as an advisor. 
This will be accomplished through modules aimed at providing the building blocks to this success. 
The modules that will be presented are as follows:
SIGMA 1100: Launching Your Success Story: This module is a combination town hall meeting and 
information session designed to acquaint the participant with the certification program, 
Collegiate Advisor Manual and inspire attendees as they pursue or continue their career 
as a collegiate advisor.
SIGMA 2100: Foundations of Collegiate Advising: This module provides the 
participant with the basics of advising collegiate chapters including best practices and styles to 
utilize in order to be effective in the role of advisor.
SIGMA 3100: Chapter Operations: Working Effectively Together: 
 This module provides the participant with methods and mentality to inspire motivation, 
trust and a degree of harmony that are not only the characteristics of a world-class 
organization but successful chapter.
SIGMA 4100: Coaching and Development of Chapters: This module provides the 
participant with the skills and methods to coach and develop collegiate chapters. 
In this session the attendee will learn to realign improper behavior and reinforce positive ones.
SIGMA 5100: Advisory Role in Risk Management: This module acquaints the participant 
with the advisor role in the risk management of collegiate chapters.
In this session the attendee becomes familiar with precedents, statutes 
and procedures that shape how we administer the fraternity’s operation on collegiate campuses and 
also anytime that the fraternity sponsors an event or it is inferred that they are sponsoring it.
The second CAU will take place at the Serious Sigma Summit in Charlotte, 
North Carolina on Friday, August 10th. All alumni members currently serving, 
appointed to serve or that have an interest in serving as a collegiate advisor are 
strongly encouraged to register, attend and successfully complete the certification process.
The Collegiate Advisor University will convene at 8:00 am on the morning of August 10th 
and will culminate with a graduation ceremony for participants. 
In keeping with our commitment of “Going Green”, limiting our carbon footprints and keeping in 
line with modern technology, participants are strongly encouraged to bring with them a
laptop computer, netbook or tablet as the presentation materials will be loaded to thumb drives 
and a limited number of print copies will be made available for distribution. Dress will be business casual.
To register, please log onto click on Serious Sigma Summit and 
download the Registration Form and mail to: Serious Sigma Leadership Summit, 
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Attention: Executive 
Director, 145 Kennedy Street N.W., Washington, D.C, 20011. 
Registration forms can also be scanned and sent to
Chapters can also download the official Collegiate Advisor Manual and begin 
preparing for the training and certification. Click on the Member tab and go to Membership Forms listing.